Home-page of Yakovlev Fedor



13-09-2006 –




 Download materials for folder

Folding formation research

Also as Mountain Building Processes and

Faults mechanism formation analysis


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1. The materials after EGU General Assembly 2005 (Vienna, 24-29 April, 2005) may be download:
    Session TS18 "Lithospheric scale shear zones: mechanical behavior, structural style and strain localization in the ductile and brittle field "
    Yakovlev F. “Inclined zones of ductile simple shear in folded structures of the North-West Caucasus - comparison of natural data and model” CorelDraw9 poster file download (6.2 Mb):
http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak18-1.cdr or abstract http://ifz.ru/~yak/TS18-1-A-06236.pdf  (37 Kb)
    Yakovlev F. “Prognosis of structure of the main boundaries for the Earth’s crust based on data of deformations estimations in a folded Alpine sedimentary cover, the example of the Great Caucasus” CorelDraw9 poster file download (7.2 Mb):
http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak18-2.cdr or abstract http://ifz.ru/~yak/TS18-2-A-07160.pdf (35 Kb)
   Session TS12 "Geodynamics, (tectono-) seismicity, and structural geology of the Black Sea-Caucasus-Caspian corridor "
    Yakovlev F. “Distribution of shortening values within the Great Caucasus structure based on the data of analysis of the geometry of different-scale folded structures” CorelDraw9 poster file download (7.2 Mb):
http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak12-1.cdr or abstract http://ifz.ru/~yak/TS12-A-07085.pdf (36 Kb)

2. The materials after VII International Interdisciplinar symposium and International Geoscience Programme (IGCP-476) “Regularity of structure and evolution of geospheres”, Vladivostok, 20-25 September 2005 may be download:
    Yakovlev F.L., Voitenko V.N. "Application of the deformation tensor conception for the estimation of deformations in different-scale folded structures"  CorelDraw9 poster file download (3.5 Mb):
http://ifz.ru/~yak/Post-Vlad05.cdr or abstract http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak-voit05.pdf (670 Kb)

3. The materials after (Moscow, 31 January - 04 February, 2006) XXXIX Moscow Tectonic meeting "The role of the areas of active tectogenesis in recent and ancient history of the Earth":
    Yakovlev F. "About construction of relief of boundary “sedimentary cover-basement” of Greater Caucasus, based on the determination of shortening values of folded structures." [in Russian] CorelDraw9 poster file download (7.3 Mb):
http://ifz.ru/~yak/Yak-MTC-39.cdr or abstract http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak-MTC39.pdf   (432 Kb)

4. The materials after EGU General Assembly 2006 (Vienna, 02-07 April, 2006) may be download:
    Session TS5.1  Intraplate deformations and plate boundary conditions: observations and models.
    Yakovlev , F.L. "Study of Comparative Roles of Thrusts and Normal Faults in the Collision Structure of the Greater Caucasus Based on Balanced Section of the Hinterland"  - CorelDraw9 poster file download (18.7 Mb,
Lsorry! ): http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak-EGU06-A-09201.cdr or abstract  http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak-EGU06-A-09201.pdf  (56 Kb)
    Session TS7.2   Mountain Building Processes (the same material you may find at folder Mechanisms of mountains building processes)
    Yakovlev F.L., Yunga S.L. "About the Combination of Two Mechanisms of Mountain Building (the Shortening and the Underplating) in the Forming Processes of the Tien Shan, the Pamir, and the Afgan-Tadjik Basin" - CorelDraw9 poster file download (2.5 Mb):
http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak-yun-EGU06-A-09269.cdr or abstract http://ifz.ru/~yak/EGU06-A-09269.pdf  (40 Kb)

(The materials of EGU General Assembly 2007 were repeated in main features in better version in SlovTec 08 – point 6)

5. The materials after (Moscow, 29 January - 03 February, 2008) IXL Moscow Tectonic meeting "Common and regional problems of tectonics and geodynamics": may be download:
Yakovlev F.L. About the diagnostics of strain state of fault sides and of its internal zone using types of secondary fractures // Common and regional problems of tectonics and geodynamics // The materials of XLI Tectonic Meeting. Moscow: GEOS, 2008, v.2, pp. 516-519 (Abstract, in Russ.). PDF-R  [translated in Engl. tes-yak-MTC-41-en.doc  CorelDraw9 poster file download (6.1 M): http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak-MTK-41FR9.cdr    (other topic: about strain state in shear zones)
   Session Mountain Building processes. Oral presentation:
Yakovlev F.L. The study of post-folding mountain building – first results and approaches to mechanisms diagnostics on the North-West Caucasus example. // Common and regional problems of tectonics and geodynamic. The materials of XLI Tectonic Meeting. Moscow: GEOS, 2008, v.2, pp. 510-515. (Abstract, in Russ.) PDF-R    PowerPoint presentation file download (in Russ. 22.8 MB L sorry!): http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak-MTK-41MB.ppt      

6 The materials after International conference SlovTec 08 (Slovakia, 23-26 April, 2008) may be download:
   Yakovlev F., Sim L., Marinin A. The
identification of gravitational mechanism of Vorontsovsky nappe (south margin of North West Caucasus) based on stress and fold related strain study // SlovTec 08. Proceedings and Excursion Guide. State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur, Bratislava. 2008. pp. 148-150. abstract download PDF ; CorelDraw9 poster file download (26.8 MB L sorry!): http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak-Slov08-nap9.cdr
   Yakovlev, F. Measurements of shortening
values of similar type separate folds – methods and results // SlovTec 08. Proceedings and Excursion Guide. State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur, Bratislava. 2008. pp. 144-146. PDF ; CorelDraw9 poster file download (11.1 MB L sorry!): http://ifz.ru/~yak/yak-Slov08-folds9.cdr
   Session Basin Inversion. Oral presentation:
   Yakovlev, F. The construction of pre-
folding, post-folding and recent stages of quasi-3D model for alpine sedimentary cover of North-West Caucasus basing on the hinterland folding geometry // SlovTec 08. Proceedings and Excursion Guide. State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur, Bratislava. 2008. pp. 146-148. PDF; PowerPoint presentation file download (in 4 parts for useful transfer):
http://ifz.ru/~yak/yakSlov08page1-6.ppt 3.1 MB         || http://ifz.ru/~yak/yakSlov08page7-12.ppt 2.3 MB    || http://ifz.ru/~yak/yakSlov08page13-17.ppt 4.1 MB     || http://ifz.ru/~yak/yakSlov08page18-20.ppt 2.1 MB ||

to first page            *: yak@ifz.ru