Home-page of Yakovlev Fedor


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*: yak@ifz.ru

20-07-07   updated 29-09-2009

The topic “Maintain building formation mechanisms and shortening value estimation”

Main  papers download


(at 25/09/2009 state, Russian titles were translated in English and there are transliteration version of original ones also)


9. Yakovlev F.L. Three stages quasi-3D model of development of alpine sedimentary cover of North-West Caucasus based on values of fold related shortening: relationships of parameters with possible mechanisms of formation. // Tectonophysics and actual problem of Earth sciences. To 40-year anniversary of foundation by M.V.Gzovsky of tectonophysics laboratory in IPE RAS. Moscow: Edition of IPE RAS. 2008 . v.1. pp. 332-334. [in Russian].  PDF-R  

8. Yakovlev, F. The construction of pre-folding, post-folding and recent stages of quasi-3D model for alpine sedimentary cover of North-West Caucasus basing on the hinterland folding geometry // SlovTec 08. Proceedings and Excursion Guide. State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur, Bratislava. 2008. pp. 146-148. PDF

7. Yakovlev F.L. The study of post-folding mountain building – first results and approaches to mechanisms diagnostics on the North-West Caucasus example. // Common and regional problems of tectonics and geodynamic. The materials of XLI Tectonic Meeting. Moscow: GEOS, 2008, v.2, pp. 510-515. (Abstract, in Russ.) PDF-R    [Issledovanie postskladchatogo goroobrazovaniyaperviye rezultati i podkhodi k diagnostike mekhanizmov na primere Severo-Zapadnogo Kavkaza]

6. Yakovlev F. First experience of 3-D model construction for linear folding region based on quantitative parameters of deformation (North-West Caucasus example) // Geotectonics basic problems. The materials of XL Tectonic Meeting. GEOS, 2007, v.2, pp. 392-396. (Abstract, in Russ.) - PDF-R

5. Yakovlev F.L., Yunga S.L. "About the Combination of Two Mechanisms of Mountain Building (the Shortening and the Underplating) in the Forming Processes of the Tien Shan, the Pamir, and the Afgan-Tadjik Basin". / SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-09269. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 09269, 2006  - PDF

4. Yakovlev F.L., Yunga S.L. Crustal shortening during mountain building: A case study in the Pamir-Tien Shan and Altay-Mongolia region. / Russian Journal of Earth Sciences. Vol 3, No. 5, November 2001 http://rjes.agu.org/v03/tje01072/tje01072.htm (in English)) - PDF

3. (Yakovlev F.L. Mongolia / Neotectonics, geodynamics and Seismicity of Northern Eurasia (Editor A.F.Grachev), Moscow, Probel: 2000, part 13.5, pp. 434-437. (in Russ.))
[Yakovlev F.L. Mongoliya // Noveishaya tectonika, geodinamika i seismichnostSevernoi Evraszii. Moskva, “Probel”, 2000. Razdel 13.4, ss. 434-437. (in Russ.)]  PDF-R (*)  

2. (Yunga S.L., Yakovlev F.L. Pamir-Tian-Shan region / Neotectonics, geodynamics and Seismicity of Northern Eurasia (Editor A.F.Grachev), Moscow, Probel: 2000, part 13.4, pp. 431-434. (in Russ.))  PDF-R (*)  
[Yunga S.L., Yakovlev F.L. Pamiro-Tianshan’skii region / Noveishaya tectonika, geodinamika i seismichnostSevernoi Evraszii. Moskva, “Probel2000. Razdel 13.4, ss. 431-434. (in Russ.)]

1. Grachev A.F., Yakovlev F.L., Yunga S.L. Shortening of Earth crust during mountain building / Neotectonics, geodynamics and Seismicity of Northern Eurasia (Editor A.F.Grachev), Moscow, Probel: 2000, part 13.3, pp. 429-431. (in Russ.)  PDF-R (*)  
[Grachev A.F., Yakovlev F.L., Yunga S.L. Sokrastcheniye zemnoi kori pri orogeneze / Noveishaya tectonika, geodinamika i seismichnostSevernoi Evraszii. Moskva, “Probel2000. Razdel 13.3, ss. 429-431. (in Russ.)]


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