Common description
· This folder contains descriptions of own
computer programs which were constructed for the solutions (calculations) of
some particular problems in frames of
researching in folding formation mechanisms. All programs were compiled by
Fedor Yakovlev in different times using BASIC code. These programs may be
either executive (*.exe) modules or Basic-listing (*.bas). At the last case
the TURBO-BASIC program is using as interpreter. There
are no limitations on these codes for their using in goals of scientific
researching or education. Parts of codes may have defects or parts of
functions may work seesaw in some regimes. I shall try to give notice about
it in descriptions of codes. There is important limitation that all DOS-codes
have correct function of copy-screen of plotted pictures in Windows-98 only
in usual cases. You may use all programs in later Windows (up to W-XP) but
without copy-screen function.
· There are three classes
(conventionally) of codes.
1) First class
is kinematic models of forming of different sizes folded structures. The solutions of direct problem are results of these codes. The results may be
used as test examples (for other programs) or as the materials for diagnostic
diagrams construction.
2) Second class
is codes for algorithmic calculations. There codes are using the test
examples or natural structures parameters for the goal to obtain of inverse problem parameters. The especial algorithms
are using in each case. Some diagnostic diagrams may be used for the same
goals and these diagrams will be described in folder “The materials”
3) Third class
is some codes for the results
visualization functions. It is may be the space of diagnostic parameters
for comparison of several models structures or/and natural structures. There
are cases when own programs may be more useful then standard software
including some statistical functions.
· All next programs are describing
in order from smaller object to larger ones according to 7 ranks hierarchic
· FLDSHAP4.EXE The short description. The program code
intends for the kinematic modeling of multilayer similar fold formation.
The sequence of layers is alternation of competent and incompetent ones. The
four places in folds are calculated as main situations of geometry of
layers for the fold: the hinge in 1) competent layer and 2) incompetent
layer and the flank in 3) competent layer and 4) incompetent layer. The
combination of two mechanisms for the competent layer is using in situation
1 and 3. There are buckling
(rotation) in the flank which is combining with the flattening (in horizontal direction
i.e. to perpendicular to axial surface) and the portions of flattening are
the same for both situations. The incompetent layer are deforming by “rotation plus shearing along bedding”
as analogy of buckling. The rotation portion is the same as for competent
layer and the shearing portion depends on inclination of flank and
thicknesses ratio of competent and incompetent layers. The increasing of
hinge thickness of incompetent layer is proportional to shearing value on
the flank. The second part of mechanisms combination in situations 2 and 4
is the portion of flattening in
the same value as for competent layer (cases 1 and 3). The combination of
mechanisms as increments of buckling and flattening is assigning in first
preliminary part of code. The ratio of thicknesses of competent and
incompetent layers is assigning in the same part of code also as value of final
total shortening of fold. All parameters of geometry of layer parts for all
four situations are calculating also as ellipse of intra-layer cumulative
strain. All parameters are visualizing for each iteration
of calculations as pictures and the table. The versions of interrupted for
each iteration or uninterrupted kinds of calculations exist. There is the
explanation file also including test versions of calculations for education
(under construction) Possible area of application:
(under construction) Recommendations. You may use for examination
the next program code – FLD-DEMO.EXE. It is the same program as FLDSHAP4.EXE
but all parameters have fixed.
Download of code, Download of file-description

· FLD-DEMO.EXE (under
construction) The short description.

· Fld-nom3.bas (under
construction) The short description.
Download (Download of Turbo-Basic)
· DOM-MOD4.BAS (under
construction) The short description.
Download (Download of Turbo-Basic)
(under construction) The short description. (Additional
files for control and of data
for examples will be placed some later)

· FLD-STAT.EXE (under
construction) The short description. (Additional files for control
and of data for examples will be placed some later)
· X-Y-CLR.EXE (under
construction) The short description. (Additional files for control
and of data for examples will be placed some later)

Rank 4-5
· ADVDFRM2.BAS (under
construction) The short description.
(Download Turbo-Basic)
(under construction)
· BUCKL1.BAS (under
construction) The short description.
(Download Turbo-Basic)
List of papers
Yakovlev F.L. Investigation of the processes and mechanisms
of the plicative deformations development in the
Earth’s crust (review of the existing approaches). // Tectonophysics today. Moscow.: UIPE RAS, 2002. pp. 311-332. (in Russ.) PDF